When he learns his days are numbered old count Hervé de Kéraudren decides to hide in a secret alcove and to die there, just to annoy his heirs. As a result of his body not being found the latter will have to wait for five years until they can inherit the count's money. Very upsetting indeed, all the more as they are required to keep up the Kéraudren estate in the meantime. To collect money, nephews and nieces organize a Son et Lumière show at the manor while busily looking for the missing corpse. But, unexpectedly, they get killed in turns. Murders or accidents? Jean-Marie, his fiancée Micheline and his cousin Edwige investigate and finally succeed in exposing the culprit. And, the count's body being found by chance, all goes back to normal.


  1. 1流浪细菌:亦敌亦友话细菌 0.0
  2. 2冰的融化 7.5
  3. 3黑白英烈 6.0
  4. 4京都风云 0.0
  5. 5末路迷途 0.0
  6. 6洪水未至 0.0
  7. 7错误的举动 4.0
  8. 8警视厅遗失物搜查档案 3.0
  9. 9神秘病毒 0.0
  10. 10来自大海的女人 6.6
  11. 11无间游戏 0.0
  12. 12老婆不在家 0.0
  13. 13异域逃离 0.0
  14. 14危情共舞 0.0
  15. 15家人 0.0
  16. 16安家 0.0
  17. 17鼠胆熊心 3.0
  18. 18欧妹 0.0
  19. 19八卦拳之武林争霸 3.8
  20. 20爱琴海没有空气 0.0
  21. 21生之欲 7.1
  22. 22郊游2023 8.4
  23. 23新男孩 5.6
  24. 24一个骄傲的新爸爸 0.0
  25. 25共产主义者 5.0
  26. 26男生贾里 7.2
  27. 27高校教師悲しみの素顔 0.0
  28. 28马布里街头小霸王 10.0
  29. 29漳水情 0.0
  30. 30蠢货 6.4